Elliott's Firefox Builds for Mac OS X

Here are Firefox builds for Mac OS X. They run on Intel processors.

July 19, 2008 Firefox 3.0.1 for Mac OS X patches are in the 301patches subdirectory - the LUT patch is a combination of patches which take a little work to apply
May 3, 2008 Firefox 3.0Pre Trunk 20080503 for Mac OS X JPEG, rounding
August 23, 2007 firefox x08 for Mac OS X optimized PNG decompresser and GIF decoder
August 23, 2007 firefox x07 for Mac OS X optimized PNG decoder copying
August 18, 2007 firefox x06 for Mac OS X fixed cnet.com bug in x05, added gfxImageFrame optimization, added -mfpmath=sse -ftree-vectorize
August 17, 2007 firefox x05 for Mac OS X added JPEG decoding SSE2 optimization (crash bug at cnet.com)
August 16, 2007 firefox x04 for Mac OS X added JPEG SSE2 Color Optimization
August 12, 2007 firefox x03 for Mac OS X added JPEG Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform SSE2 acceleration
August 8, 2007 firefox x01 for Mac OS X added jslock lightweight locking and lightweight rounding
August 8, 2007 firefox for Mac OS X stock build with -o3 optimization

Things to do:

Patches applied to x08 build (excluding IJG code):

Index: Makefile.in
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/modules/libimg/png/Makefile.in,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.27.18.1 Makefile.in
--- Makefile.in    20 May 2006 17:20:48 -0000
+++ Makefile.in    25 Aug 2007 23:01:07 -0000
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
         pngwtran.c \
         pngrtran.c \
         pngwutil.c \
+        pnggccrd.c \
 EXPORTS        = png.h pngconf.h mozpngconf.h
@@ -85,6 +86,8 @@
 ifeq ($(OS_ARCH),WINNT)

Index: pnggccrd.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/modules/libimg/png/pnggccrd.c,v
retrieving revision 3.7
diff -u -r3.7 pnggccrd.c
--- pnggccrd.c    7 Oct 2004 19:21:29 -0000    3.7
+++ pnggccrd.c    25 Aug 2007 23:00:41 -0000
@@ -236,13 +236,15 @@
  *     - rewrite all MMX interlacing code so it's aligned with beginning
  *        of the row buffer, not the end (see 19991007 for details)
  *     x pick one version of mmxsupport() and get rid of the other
- *     - add error messages to any remaining bogus default cases
+ *     - add error messages to any remaining bogus defau>lt cases
  *     - enable pixel_depth == 8 cases in png_read_filter_row()? (test speed)
  *     x add support for runtime enable/disable/query of various MMX routines
 #include "png.h"
+#include "emmintrin.h"
+#include "xmmintrin.h"
 #if defined(PNG_USE_PNGGCCRD)
@@ -254,6 +256,8 @@
 static const int FARDATA png_pass_width[7] = {8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1};
 /* djgpp, Win32, and Cygwin add their own underscores to global variables,
  * so define them without: */
@@ -5190,12 +5194,32 @@
-            png_uint_32 i;
-            png_uint_32 istop = row_info->rowbytes;
-            png_bytep rp = row;
-            png_bytep pp = prev_row;
+       png_uint_32 i, j;
+       png_uint_32 istop = row_info->rowbytes;
+       png_bytep rp = row;
+       png_bytep pp = prev_row;
+       __m128i rp_vec1, pp_vec1;
+       unsigned int diff;
+       if (istop > 40) {
+         diff = ((unsigned int) rp) & 0xf;
+         diff = (16 - diff) & 0xf;
+         for (i = 0; i < diff; ++i)
+           {
+         *rp = (png_byte)(((int)(*rp) + (int)(*pp++)) & 0xff);
+         rp++;
+           }
+         for (j = diff; j < istop - 16; j += 16) {
+           rp_vec1 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i const *) rp);
+           pp_vec1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const *) pp);
+           rp_vec1 = _mm_add_epi8(rp_vec1, pp_vec1);
+           _mm_store_si128((__m128i *) rp, rp_vec1);
+           rp += 16;
+           pp += 16;
+         }
+       }
-            for (i = 0; i < istop; ++i)
+            for (i = j; i < istop; ++i)
                *rp = (png_byte)(((int)(*rp) + (int)(*pp++)) & 0xff);
@@ -5338,69 +5362,7 @@
-    __asm__ __volatile__ (
-        "pushl %%ebx          \n\t"  // ebx gets clobbered by CPUID instruction
-        "pushl %%ecx          \n\t"  // so does ecx...
-        "pushl %%edx          \n\t"  // ...and edx (but ecx & edx safe on Linux)
-//      ".byte  0x66          \n\t"  // convert 16-bit pushf to 32-bit pushfd
-//      "pushf                \n\t"  // 16-bit pushf
-        "pushfl               \n\t"  // save Eflag to stack
-        "popl %%eax           \n\t"  // get Eflag from stack into eax
-        "movl %%eax, %%ecx    \n\t"  // make another copy of Eflag in ecx
-        "xorl $0x200000, %%eax \n\t" // toggle ID bit in Eflag (i.e., bit 21)
-        "pushl %%eax          \n\t"  // save modified Eflag back to stack
-//      ".byte  0x66          \n\t"  // convert 16-bit popf to 32-bit popfd
-//      "popf                 \n\t"  // 16-bit popf
-        "popfl                \n\t"  // restore modified value to Eflag reg
-        "pushfl               \n\t"  // save Eflag to stack
-        "popl %%eax           \n\t"  // get Eflag from stack
-        "pushl %%ecx          \n\t"  // save original Eflag to stack
-        "popfl                \n\t"  // restore original Eflag
-        "xorl %%ecx, %%eax    \n\t"  // compare new Eflag with original Eflag
-        "jz 0f                \n\t"  // if same, CPUID instr. is not supported
-        "xorl %%eax, %%eax    \n\t"  // set eax to zero
-//      ".byte  0x0f, 0xa2    \n\t"  // CPUID instruction (two-byte opcode)
-        "cpuid                \n\t"  // get the CPU identification info
-        "cmpl $1, %%eax       \n\t"  // make sure eax return non-zero value
-        "jl 0f                \n\t"  // if eax is zero, MMX is not supported
-        "xorl %%eax, %%eax    \n\t"  // set eax to zero and...
-        "incl %%eax           \n\t"  // ...increment eax to 1.  This pair is
-                                     // faster than the instruction "mov eax, 1"
-        "cpuid                \n\t"  // get the CPU identification info again
-        "andl $0x800000, %%edx \n\t" // mask out all bits but MMX bit (23)
-        "cmpl $0, %%edx       \n\t"  // 0 = MMX not supported
-        "jz 0f                \n\t"  // non-zero = yes, MMX IS supported
-        "movl $1, %%eax       \n\t"  // set return value to 1
-        "jmp  1f              \n\t"  // DONE:  have MMX support
-    "0:                       \n\t"  // .NOT_SUPPORTED: target label for jump instructions
-        "movl $0, %%eax       \n\t"  // set return value to 0
-    "1:                       \n\t"  // .RETURN: target label for jump instructions
-        "movl %%eax, _mmx_supported \n\t" // save in global static variable, too
-        "popl %%edx           \n\t"  // restore edx
-        "popl %%ecx           \n\t"  // restore ecx
-        "popl %%ebx           \n\t"  // restore ebx
-//      "ret                  \n\t"  // DONE:  no MMX support
-                                     // (fall through to standard C "ret")
-        :                            // output list (none)
-        :                            // any variables used on input (none)
-        : "%eax"                     // clobber list
-//      , "%ebx", "%ecx", "%edx"     // GRR:  we handle these manually
-//      , "memory"   // if write to a variable gcc thought was in a reg
-//      , "cc"       // "condition codes" (flag bits)
-    );
     _mmx_supported = 0;
     return _mmx_supported;

Index: nsJPEGDecoder.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/jpeg/nsJPEGDecoder.cpp,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.62.18.1 nsJPEGDecoder.cpp
--- nsJPEGDecoder.cpp    3 Feb 2006 14:41:10 -0000
+++ nsJPEGDecoder.cpp    18 Aug 2007 17:33:20 -0000
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
 #include "ImageLogging.h"
 #include "jerror.h"
+#include "emmintrin.h"
+#include "xmmintrin.h"
 NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(nsJPEGDecoder, imgIDecoder)
@@ -361,7 +363,7 @@
     mSamples = (*mInfo.mem->alloc_sarray)((j_common_ptr) &mInfo,
-                                           row_stride, 1);
+                                           mInfo.output_width * 3, 1);
 #if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_OS2) || defined(XP_BEOS) || defined(XP_MAC) || defined(XP_MACOSX) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_PHOTON)
     // allocate buffer to do byte flipping / padding
@@ -379,7 +381,7 @@
     /* FIXME -- Should reset dct_method and dither mode
      * for final pass of progressive JPEG
-    mInfo.dct_method =  JDCT_ISLOW;
+    mInfo.dct_method =  JDCT_IFAST;
     mInfo.dither_mode = JDITHER_FS;
     mInfo.do_fancy_upsampling = TRUE;
     mInfo.enable_2pass_quant = FALSE;
@@ -499,12 +501,12 @@
   return NS_OK;
   PRUint32 top = mInfo.output_scanline;
   PRBool rv = PR_TRUE;
+  PRUint32 i;
   while ((mInfo.output_scanline < mInfo.output_height)) {
       JSAMPROW samples;
@@ -529,11 +531,29 @@
       samples = mRGBRow;
-#elif defined(XP_MAC) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
+#elif defined(XP_MAC1) || defined(XP_MACOSX1)
       PRUint8 *ptrOutputBuf = mRGBRow;
       JSAMPLE *j1 = mSamples[0];
-      for (PRUint32 i=0;i<mInfo.output_width;++i) {
+      mask1 = *((__m128i *) color_mask_1a);
+      mask2 = *((__m128i *) color_mask_2a);
+      for (i=0; i < mInfo.output_width - 4; i += 4) {
+        tmp1 = mask1;
+        tmp2 = mask2;
+        read1 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i *) j1);
+        read1 = (__m128i) _mm_loadh_pi((__m128) read1, (__m64 *)(j1+6));
+        tmp1 = _mm_and_si128(tmp1, read1);
+        tmp2 = _mm_and_si128(tmp2, read1);
+        tmp1 = _mm_slli_si128(tmp1, 1);
+        tmp2 = _mm_slli_si128(tmp2, 2);
+        tmp1 = _mm_or_si128(tmp1, tmp2);
+        _mm_storel_pi((__m64 *) ptrOutputBuf, (__m128) tmp1);
+        _mm_storeh_pi((__m64 *) (ptrOutputBuf + 8), (__m128) tmp1);
+        ptrOutputBuf += 16;
+        j1 += 12;
+      }
+      for (; i < mInfo.output_width; ++i) {
         ptrOutputBuf[0] = 0;
         ptrOutputBuf[1] = *j1++;
         ptrOutputBuf[2] = *j1++;
@@ -557,8 +577,8 @@
       PRUint32 bpr;
-        samples,             // data
-        row_stride,          // length
+        samples,                          // data
+        -mInfo.output_width,              // length
         (mInfo.output_scanline-1) * bpr); // offset

Index: gfxImageFrame.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/gfx/src/shared/gfxImageFrame.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.32
diff -u -r1.32 gfxImageFrame.cpp
--- gfxImageFrame.cpp    8 Mar 2005 03:44:27 -0000    1.32
+++ gfxImageFrame.cpp    18 Aug 2007 23:51:51 -0000
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
 #include "gfxImageFrame.h"
 #include "nsIServiceManager.h"
+#include "emmintrin.h"
+#include "xmmintrin.h"
 NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS2(gfxImageFrame, gfxIImageFrame, nsIInterfaceRequestor)
@@ -279,9 +281,15 @@
   return NS_OK;
+unsigned char color_mask_1b[16] __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) = {255,255,255,0,0,0,0,0,255,255,255,0,0,0,0,0};
+unsigned char color_mask_2b[16] __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) = {0,0,0,255,255,255,0,0,0,0,0,255,255,255,0,0};
 /* void setImageData ([array, size_is (length), const] in PRUint8 data, in unsigned long length, in long offset); */
 NS_IMETHODIMP gfxImageFrame::SetImageData(const PRUint8 *aData, PRUint32 aLength, PRInt32 aOffset)
+  int express_flag = 0;
+  __m128i mask1, mask2, tmp1, tmp2, read1;
   if (!mInitalized)
@@ -292,6 +300,11 @@
   if (aLength == 0)
     return NS_OK;
+  if ((int) aLength < 0) {
+    express_flag = - ((int) aLength);
+    aLength = (-4) * ((int) aLength);
+  }
   PRInt32 row_stride = mImage->GetLineStride();
@@ -313,7 +326,40 @@
   if (aData)
-    memcpy(imgData + newOffset, aData, aLength);
+    if (express_flag == 0)
+      memcpy(imgData + newOffset, aData, aLength);
+    else {
+      const PRUint8 *j1 = aData;
+      PRUint8 *ptrOutputBuf = imgData + newOffset;
+      int i;
+      mask1 = *((__m128i *) color_mask_1b);
+      mask2 = *((__m128i *) color_mask_2b);
+      for (i=0; i < express_flag - 4; i += 4) {
+        tmp1 = mask1;
+        tmp2 = mask2;
+        read1 = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i *) j1);
+        read1 = (__m128i) _mm_loadh_pi((__m128) read1, (__m64 *)(j1+6));
+        tmp1 = _mm_and_si128(tmp1, read1);
+        tmp2 = _mm_and_si128(tmp2, read1);
+        tmp1 = _mm_slli_si128(tmp1, 1);
+        tmp2 = _mm_slli_si128(tmp2, 2);
+        tmp1 = _mm_or_si128(tmp1, tmp2);
+        _mm_storel_pi((__m64 *) ptrOutputBuf, (__m128) tmp1);
+        _mm_storeh_pi((__m64 *) (ptrOutputBuf + 8), (__m128) tmp1);
+        ptrOutputBuf += 16;
+        j1 += 12;
+      }
+      for (; i < express_flag; ++i) {
+        ptrOutputBuf[0] = 0;
+        ptrOutputBuf[1] = *j1++;
+        ptrOutputBuf[2] = *j1++;
+        ptrOutputBuf[3] = *j1++;
+        ptrOutputBuf += 4;
+      }
+    }
     memset(imgData + newOffset, 0, aLength);

Index: nsUnitConversion.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/xpcom/ds/nsUnitConversion.h,v
retrieving revision 3.12
diff -r3.12 nsUnitConversion.h
> #include <xmmintrin.h>
<   return ((0.0f <= aValue) ? nscoord(aValue + ROUND_CONST_FLOAT) : nscoord(aValue - ROUND_CONST_FLOAT));
>   /* return ((0.0f <= aValue) ? nscoord(aValue + ROUND_CONST_FLOAT) : nscoord(aValue - ROUND_CONST_FLOAT)); */
>   return(_mm_cvtss_si32(_mm_load_ss(&aValue)));
<   return ((0.0f <= aValue) ? PRInt32(aValue + ROUND_CONST_FLOAT) : PRInt32(aValue - ROUND_CONST_FLOAT));
>   /* return ((0.0f <= aValue) ? PRInt32(aValue + ROUND_CONST_FLOAT) : PRInt32(aValue - ROUND_CONST_FLOAT)); */
>   return(_mm_cvtss_si32(_mm_load_ss(&aValue)));

Index: GIF2.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/Attic/GIF2.cpp,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.52.8.2 GIF2.cpp
--- GIF2.cpp    4 Apr 2007 19:30:42 -0000
+++ GIF2.cpp    29 Aug 2007 02:38:57 -0000
@@ -565,7 +565,18 @@
     case gif_global_colormap:
-      memcpy(gs->global_colormap, q, 3 * gs->global_colormap_size);
+      int i, target;
+      PRUint8 * gcmap = gs->global_colormap;
+      target = gs->global_colormap_size;
+      for (i = 0; i < target; i++) {
+        *gcmap++ = 0;
+        *gcmap++ = *q++;
+        *gcmap++ = *q++;
+        *gcmap++ = *q++;
+      }
+      /* memcpy(gs->global_colormap, q, 3 * gs->global_colormap_size); */
       GETN(1, gif_image_start);
@@ -858,15 +869,23 @@
     case gif_image_colormap:
       PRUint8 *map = gs->local_colormap;
+      int i, target;
       if (!map) {
-        map = gs->local_colormap = (PRUint8*)PR_MALLOC(3 * gs->local_colormap_size);
+        map = gs->local_colormap = (PRUint8*)PR_MALLOC(4 * gs->local_colormap_size);
         if (!map) {
           gs->state = gif_oom;
+      target = gs->local_colormap_size;
+      for (i = 0; i < target; i++) {
+        *map++ = 0;
+        *map++ = *q++;
+        *map++ = *q++;
+        *map++ = *q++;
+      }
-      memcpy(map, q, 3 * gs->local_colormap_size);
+      /* memcpy(map, q, 3 * gs->local_colormap_size); */
       GETN(1, gif_lzw_start);
Index: nsGIFDecoder2.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/nsGIFDecoder2.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.65
diff -u -r1.65 nsGIFDecoder2.cpp
--- nsGIFDecoder2.cpp    10 Mar 2005 13:31:26 -0000    1.65
+++ nsGIFDecoder2.cpp    29 Aug 2007 02:38:58 -0000
@@ -484,10 +484,11 @@
     if(decoder->mGIFStruct->global_colormap &&
        decoder->mGIFStruct->screen_bgcolor < cmapsize) {
       gfx_color bgColor = 0;
-      PRUint32 bgIndex = decoder->mGIFStruct->screen_bgcolor * 3;
-      bgColor |= cmap[bgIndex];
-      bgColor |= cmap[bgIndex + 1] << 8;
-      bgColor |= cmap[bgIndex + 2] << 16;
+      PRUint32 bgIndex = decoder->mGIFStruct->screen_bgcolor * 4;
+      bgColor = ((PRUint32 *) cmap)[decoder->mGIFStruct->screen_bgcolor];
+      // bgColor |= cmap[bgIndex];
+      // bgColor |= cmap[bgIndex + 1] << 8;
+      // bgColor |= cmap[bgIndex + 2] << 16;
     if (decoder->mGIFStruct->is_local_colormap_defined) {
@@ -514,8 +515,10 @@
         case gfxIFormats::BGR:
           while (rowBufIndex != decoder->mGIFStruct->rowend) {
+            PRUint32 * rgbRowIndexLong = (PRUint32 *) rgbRowIndex;
+            PRUint32 * cmaplong = (PRUint32 *) cmap;
 #if defined(XP_MAC) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
-            *rgbRowIndex++ = 0; // Mac is always 32bits per pixel, this is pad
+            //*rgbRowIndex++ = 0; // Mac is always 32bits per pixel, this is pad
             if (*rowBufIndex < cmapsize) {
               PRUint32 colorIndex = *rowBufIndex * 3;
@@ -524,14 +527,18 @@
               *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 1]; // green
               *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex];     // red
-              *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex];     // red
-              *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 1]; // green
-              *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 2]; // blue
+              //*rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex];     // red
+              //*rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 1]; // green
+              //*rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 2]; // blue
+              *rgbRowIndexLong = cmaplong[*rowBufIndex];
+              rgbRowIndex += 4;
             } else {
-              *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // red
-              *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // green
-              *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // blue
+              *rgbRowIndexLong = 0;
+              // *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // red
+              // *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // green
+              // *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // blue
+              rgbRowIndex += 4;
@@ -547,9 +554,11 @@
           memset(decoder->mRGBLine, 0, bpr);
           memset(decoder->mAlphaLine, 0, abpr);
           for (PRUint32 x = 0; x < (PRUint32)width; ++x) {
+            PRUint32 * rgbRowIndexLong = (PRUint32 *) rgbRowIndex;
+            PRUint32 * cmaplong = (PRUint32 *) cmap;
             if (*rowBufIndex != decoder->mGIFStruct->tpixel) {
 #if defined(XP_MAC) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
-              *rgbRowIndex++ = 0; // Mac is always 32bits per pixel, this is pad
+              //*rgbRowIndex++ = 0; // Mac is always 32bits per pixel, this is pad
               if (*rowBufIndex < cmapsize) {
                 PRUint32 colorIndex = *rowBufIndex * 3;
@@ -558,14 +567,18 @@
                 *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 1]; // green
                 *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex];     // red
-                *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex];     // red
-                *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 1]; // green
-                *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 2]; // blue
+                //*rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex];     // red
+                //*rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 1]; // green
+                //*rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 2]; // blue
+                *rgbRowIndexLong = cmaplong[*rowBufIndex];
+                rgbRowIndex += 4;
               } else {
-                *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // red
-                *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // green
-                *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // blue
+                *rgbRowIndexLong = 0;
+                //*rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // red
+                //*rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // green
+                //*rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // blue
+                rgbRowIndex += 4;
               decoder->mAlphaLine[x>>3] |= 1<<(7-x&0x7);
             } else {
Index: GIF2.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/Attic/GIF2.cpp,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.52.8.2 GIF2.cpp
--- GIF2.cpp    4 Apr 2007 19:30:42 -0000
+++ GIF2.cpp    29 Aug 2007 02:38:57 -0000
@@ -565,7 +565,18 @@
     case gif_global_colormap:
-      memcpy(gs->global_colormap, q, 3 * gs->global_colormap_size);
+      int i, target;
+      PRUint8 * gcmap = gs->global_colormap;
+      target = gs->global_colormap_size;
+      for (i = 0; i < target; i++) {
+        *gcmap++ = 0;
+        *gcmap++ = *q++;
+        *gcmap++ = *q++;
+        *gcmap++ = *q++;
+      }
+      /* memcpy(gs->global_colormap, q, 3 * gs->global_colormap_size); */
       GETN(1, gif_image_start);
@@ -858,15 +869,23 @@
     case gif_image_colormap:
       PRUint8 *map = gs->local_colormap;
+      int i, target;
       if (!map) {
-        map = gs->local_colormap = (PRUint8*)PR_MALLOC(3 * gs->local_colormap_size);
+        map = gs->local_colormap = (PRUint8*)PR_MALLOC(4 * gs->local_colormap_size);
         if (!map) {
           gs->state = gif_oom;
+      target = gs->local_colormap_size;
+      for (i = 0; i < target; i++) {
+        *map++ = 0;
+        *map++ = *q++;
+        *map++ = *q++;
+        *map++ = *q++;
+      }
-      memcpy(map, q, 3 * gs->local_colormap_size);
+      /* memcpy(map, q, 3 * gs->local_colormap_size); */
       GETN(1, gif_lzw_start);
Index: nsGIFDecoder2.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/modules/libpr0n/decoders/gif/nsGIFDecoder2.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.65
diff -u -r1.65 nsGIFDecoder2.cpp
--- nsGIFDecoder2.cpp    10 Mar 2005 13:31:26 -0000    1.65
+++ nsGIFDecoder2.cpp    29 Aug 2007 02:38:58 -0000
@@ -484,10 +484,11 @@
     if(decoder->mGIFStruct->global_colormap &&
        decoder->mGIFStruct->screen_bgcolor < cmapsize) {
       gfx_color bgColor = 0;
-      PRUint32 bgIndex = decoder->mGIFStruct->screen_bgcolor * 3;
-      bgColor |= cmap[bgIndex];
-      bgColor |= cmap[bgIndex + 1] << 8;
-      bgColor |= cmap[bgIndex + 2] << 16;
+      PRUint32 bgIndex = decoder->mGIFStruct->screen_bgcolor * 4;
+      bgColor = ((PRUint32 *) cmap)[decoder->mGIFStruct->screen_bgcolor];
+      // bgColor |= cmap[bgIndex];
+      // bgColor |= cmap[bgIndex + 1] << 8;
+      // bgColor |= cmap[bgIndex + 2] << 16;
     if (decoder->mGIFStruct->is_local_colormap_defined) {
@@ -514,8 +515,10 @@
         case gfxIFormats::BGR:
           while (rowBufIndex != decoder->mGIFStruct->rowend) {
+            PRUint32 * rgbRowIndexLong = (PRUint32 *) rgbRowIndex;
+            PRUint32 * cmaplong = (PRUint32 *) cmap;
 #if defined(XP_MAC) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
-            *rgbRowIndex++ = 0; // Mac is always 32bits per pixel, this is pad
+            //*rgbRowIndex++ = 0; // Mac is always 32bits per pixel, this is pad
             if (*rowBufIndex < cmapsize) {
               PRUint32 colorIndex = *rowBufIndex * 3;
@@ -524,14 +527,18 @@
               *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 1]; // green
               *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex];     // red
-              *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex];     // red
-              *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 1]; // green
-              *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 2]; // blue
+              //*rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex];     // red
+              //*rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 1]; // green
+              //*rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 2]; // blue
+              *rgbRowIndexLong = cmaplong[*rowBufIndex];
+              rgbRowIndex += 4;
             } else {
-              *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // red
-              *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // green
-              *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // blue
+              *rgbRowIndexLong = 0;
+              // *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // red
+              // *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // green
+              // *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // blue
+              rgbRowIndex += 4;
@@ -547,9 +554,11 @@
           memset(decoder->mRGBLine, 0, bpr);
           memset(decoder->mAlphaLine, 0, abpr);
           for (PRUint32 x = 0; x < (PRUint32)width; ++x) {
+            PRUint32 * rgbRowIndexLong = (PRUint32 *) rgbRowIndex;
+            PRUint32 * cmaplong = (PRUint32 *) cmap;
             if (*rowBufIndex != decoder->mGIFStruct->tpixel) {
 #if defined(XP_MAC) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
-              *rgbRowIndex++ = 0; // Mac is always 32bits per pixel, this is pad
+              //*rgbRowIndex++ = 0; // Mac is always 32bits per pixel, this is pad
               if (*rowBufIndex < cmapsize) {
                 PRUint32 colorIndex = *rowBufIndex * 3;
@@ -558,14 +567,18 @@
                 *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 1]; // green
                 *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex];     // red
-                *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex];     // red
-                *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 1]; // green
-                *rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 2]; // blue
+                //*rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex];     // red
+                //*rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 1]; // green
+                //*rgbRowIndex++ = cmap[colorIndex + 2]; // blue
+                *rgbRowIndexLong = cmaplong[*rowBufIndex];
+                rgbRowIndex += 4;
               } else {
-                *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // red
-                *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // green
-                *rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // blue
+                *rgbRowIndexLong = 0;
+                //*rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // red
+                //*rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // green
+                //*rgbRowIndex++ = 0;                    // blue
+                rgbRowIndex += 4;
               decoder->mAlphaLine[x>>3] |= 1<<(7-x&0x7);
             } else {

Updated by Elliott on July 19, 2008.